Foster Child Needing Sarpy CASA

What You’ve Always Wanted To Know About ADHD

Many kids—and adults—with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, report feeling like it’s hard to stay focused or organized. The inattentiveness, impulsiveness, and nonstop energy of ADHD can impact schoolwork, friendships, jobs, and relationships. With ADHD, it can feel impossible to keep up with others, be on time, and handle small—often boring—details. While it’s a common diagnosis,

Disability Advocacy

A litigator with more than 26 years of experience in juvenile and education law, Diane Smith Howard’s work at the National Disability Rights Network focuses on conditions for children, youth and adults with disabilities in institutional systems. Specifically, youth in the juvenile justice, child welfare, education, and refugee resettlement systems, and adults with disabilities in