Foster Child Needing Sarpy CASA

Engaging Children and Families

Engagement with children and families may seem like a simple concept, but it is much more complex.  This training focuses on the importance of family engagement, which involves all aspects of interaction with youth and families in a deliberate manner to make well-informed decisions about safety, permanency, lifelong connections, and well-being. Family engagement is important to ensure

Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children

Stewards of Children® is an evidence-informed, award-winning two and a half hour training that teaches adults to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. Through interviews with a very diverse group of people with lived experience, experts, and treatment providers, Stewards of Children® teaches adults practical actions they can take to reduce instances

Trauma and Resilience

This training helps participants recognize trauma, understand its impact on the brain and body, and identify and apply interventions to trauma related behaviors. This course is meant to provide foundational information on trauma for anyone that is new to the topic or would like a refresher on trauma basics. Click here to register for this