Foster Child Needing Sarpy CASA

Disability Advocacy


A litigator with more than 26 years of experience in juvenile and education law, Diane Smith Howard’s work at the National Disability Rights Network focuses on conditions for children, youth and adults with disabilities in institutional systems. Specifically, youth in the juvenile justice, child welfare, education, and refugee resettlement systems, and adults with disabilities in

Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior


This webinar will introduce the topic of problematic sexual behaviors (PSB) in children and youth and discuss ways that helping professionals can support children who exhibit or are impacted by PSB and their families. Click here to view this webinar. Please submit a short summary or a certificate (if received) to your supervisor to receive

Promoting Positive Mental Health in K-12 Students


There’s no question that teachers and faculty members at elementary, middle, and high schools play critical roles in the educational growth of the students in their care. Through their work, they have the power to impart knowledge, foster a love of learning, and help shape future careers. It’s becoming increasingly clear, though, that these school

Trauma and Resilience

Project Harmony Webinar

This training helps participants recognize trauma, understand its impact on the brain and body, and identify and apply interventions to trauma related behaviors. This course is meant to provide foundational information on trauma for anyone that is new to the topic or would like a refresher on trauma basics. Click here to register for this

Having Difficult Conversations


Difficult conversations occur in every aspect of a person’s life. This training will provide tools and strategies for having difficult conversations, whether the conversation is about performance, agency changes, and/or other difficult topics that can arise in a work environment. The strategies developed in this training can also be used in other areas, personal or

When Perfect Becomes Problematic: Perfectionism and More


Children grow up with all kinds of incentives to strive for perfection—from the encouragement of adults to the recognition and personal pride that can follow great achievement. There’s no question that this drive often serves kids and teens well. But, taken too far, it can also create serious mental health challenges for them, including anxiety,

Child Abuse and Neglect 101

Project Harmony Webinar

This course prepares mandatory reporters with the knowledge and skills to recognize and report child abuse and neglect along with an overview of the different types of abuse and their prevalence in Nebraska.  In this training, participants will discuss challenges associated with reporting abuse and neglect, practice asking minimal facts questions, and receive resources that

Why We Need To Talk About Men’s Mental Health


Men are less likely than women to seek mental health help for depression, substance addiction, and stressful life events, including anxiety and trauma. There are many reasons for it, including unwillingness to talk, social norms, existing stigma, and downplaying symptoms. But “I’m fine” can only get someone so far—especially since men are significantly more at

CASA Connection

Sarpy County Courthouse-Admin Conference Room 1210 Golden Gate Drive, Papillion, NE, United States

CASA Connection will take place on the 2nd Friday of every month. Please come join us and enjoy conversations with other fellow CASA’s. You will receive 1 hour of continuing education for attending. *** LOCATION*** Sarpy County Courthouse 1210 Golden Gate Dr. Admin Conference Room (East entrance of the campus)

Navigating Autism Through Childhood Years


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a very common developmental disability, impacting one in 54 children. What is true for one child with autism may not be true for another, as the spectrum varies in its severity. While it is a lifelong condition, its social, communicative, and behavioral challenges—and needs—may vary as time progresses. Click here

Healthcare Equity and Cultural Humility: Ethical Practice in Social Services


This training focuses on integrating cultural humility and healthcare equity into ethical practice within social services. As the diversity of populations served continues to grow, it is essential for professionals to approach their work with a commitment to lifelong learning, self-reflection, and respect for different cultural perspectives. Participants will explore the concept of cultural humility,

Addressing Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescents


Adolescence is often marked by intense emotions, and it’s not unusual for young people to experience mood swings or act impulsively. Typically, these patterns are dismissed as part of growing up, but sometimes they’re actually signs of a complex, frequently misunderstood mental health condition known as borderline personality disorder, or BPD. And while it might