Foster Child Needing Sarpy CASA

Trafficking 101: Foundations


This training will address the definitions, policies, law changes, basic statistical information, and responses from Saint Francis to the issue of trafficking.  Reference will be made to other areas, such as the Buyers, Sellers, Pornography, and the Media, but those topics will be covered in more detail during subsequent trainings. Anyone is welcome to attend

Maintaining Placement Stability


This training explores the importance of timely assessment and intervention as it relates to maintaining a placement.  Objectives include initial assessment, understanding the difference between safety and risk, recognizing the stages of placement disruption, and the integration of interventions to promote placement stability while changing our language and culture surrounding unplanned or unsuccessful discharge from

Having Difficult Conversations


Difficult conversations occur in every aspect of a person’s life. This training will provide tools and strategies for having difficult conversations, whether the conversation is about performance, agency changes, and/or other difficult topics that can arise in a work environment. The strategies developed in this training can also be used in other areas, personal or

Ethics: Keeping It Between the Lines


A person’s integrity, boundaries, and values are essential elements of one’s professional ethics.  This training will explore the necessary ingredients of the creation and maintenance of a healthy ethical practice. This will be done through the examination and comparison of the ethical codes of five different disciplines.  From there, five ethical principles found across the

Trauma & Resilience- IN PERSON

Project Harmony 11949 Q St, Omaha, NE, United States

This training helps participants recognize trauma, understand its impact on the brain and body, and identify and apply interventions to trauma related behaviors. This course is meant to provide foundational information on trauma for anyone that is new to the topic or would like a refresher on trauma basics. Presented in partnership with Trauma Matters

Healing from Hate: Child and Family Welfare Through the Lens of White Privilege/Supremacy


Child welfare professionals are on the frontlines of working with families who have been affected by racism, both within the child welfare system and beyond. Therefore, it is essential that child welfare professionals are supported in identifying the historical roots, attitudes, and stereotypes that may affect decision-making in their work with diverse populations. Race as

Mental Health First Aid (In Person)

Project Harmony 11949 Q St, Omaha, NE, United States

Adult Mental Health First Aid consists of 2-hours of self-paced content followed by 5.5 hours of instructor-led training. Mental Health First Aid is an early intervention public education program. It teaches adults how to recognize the signs and symptoms that suggest a potential mental health challenge, how to listen nonjudgmentally and give reassurance to a person who

Online Safety for Parents, Guardians & the Community


Project Harmony trainers present the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s materials targeting online safety. The training empowers parents, caregivers, and those who care about kids to engage in regular, age-appropriate conversations with youth about benefits, risks, and what to do if something happens online. The training includes resources and information from The National

Introduction to Trauma Informed Care by the Arizona Trauma Institute Part 1 of 3


Session 1 of 3 is an online viewing and discussion of The Arizona Trauma Institute presentation titled “Introduction to Trauma Informed Care.”  The presenter is Dr. Robert Rhoton.  Session 1 will be divided into four smaller sections to offer a chance to ask questions and process the information presented.  Session 1 specifically looks at the

Child Abuse & Neglect 101 (In Person)

Project Harmony 11949 Q St, Omaha, NE, United States

This course prepares mandatory reporters with the knowledge and skills to recognize and report child abuse and neglect along with an overview of the different types of abuse and their prevalence in Nebraska.  In this training, participants will discuss challenges associated with reporting abuse and neglect, practice asking minimal facts questions, and receive resources that

Working with Noncustodial Parents


The overarching goal of this training is to help participants understand the importance of treating non-custodial parents, both mothers and fathers, equally as custodial parents. Cancellations must be made at least 7 days prior to the dates of the ILCs If there are not 10 participants registered for each ILC 3 days prior to the

Oppositional Defiant and Conduct Disorders Diagnosis and Treatment


While all children are occasionally oppositional, especially when tired, hungry, or upset, openly uncooperative and hostile behavior becomes a serious concern when it is so frequent and consistent that it stands out when compared with other children of the same age and when it interferes in the child's life. Disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders involve